Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The spring came back

It had been missing for several days now and I had looked half heartedly for it on several occasions. There are only so many pieces of furniture under which a cat can hide a toy. Apparently disappearing small objects is something that cats excel at, and explains why they are strongly associated with witchcraft. If there was a school around here for teaching cats to assist in the magical arts, I would enroll my kitten without delay. She clearly has a gift that needs to be fostered and nurtured. The previously mentioned missing toy turned up yesterday. It was strung between the legs of a stool with green thread. How the thread became wound around the spring which was then wound around the stool remains a mystery. The fact that I needed to take scissors to the knots to get both the stool and the spring free is a another conundrum. But what bothers me most is that I can not find the spool upon which the thread was once wound. I have substituted a missing spring for a missing spool.

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