Sunday, September 09, 2007

Coffee Maker

Last night I was at a wine and cheese party. This morning I woke up late and tired. When I'm tired, I get brilliant ideas. I pulled out bread to make toast for breakfast and as I looked at it, I realised that I wanted french toast for breakfast. French toast seemed like a much better idea than normal toast. Last time I had french toast, I was in a French cafe having brunch. It was fancy french toast. As I decided that I wanted french toast, I remembered that my previous french toast experience had included fig compte. As I peered into the fridge, I started looking at the jams and spreads wondering why I didn't have fig compte in my fridge. I had recently had it with something else and had enjoyed it. At the time, I had considered acquiring some of my own but hadn't. Clearly, I should have struck while the iron was hot and bought some. Because now I wanted it and I didn't have it. I hate not having a well stocked kitchen. It limits your ability to cook.

I pondered over my lack of fig compte dilemma and decided that I had homemade canned pears somewhere. They might help kick it up a notch. I still have cream so I could make the richer batter and I had baguette so I could make the proper style of french toast. I cooked up the toast and layered it with the pears, cream and real maple syrup. I realised that I didn't have icing sugar for the added effect. Drat! After my breakfast which was sadly lacking some key ingredients, I headed out for grocery shopping.

As I wandered around the store, I located different fig products in the different sections before settling on the one the that I wanted. I choose a fig compte in a nice looking jar which had no English on it. My french is improving. My Italian is still lacking. Then I wandered past the coffee section. My brain was operating in a bit of a daze and realised that coffee would help to clear the mists. The one that was on sale was for a coffee maker. I couldn't tell how fine the grind was to know if I could use it in a french press. I looked at the instant coffee and the only one that inspired me, I was unwilling to shell out for. I looked at the other options. I noticed the Illy coffee and how it too needed a coffee maker. Then it struck me. I needed a coffee maker.

I don't have one. I suddenly became convinced that the smell of coffee brewing and a freshly made coffee in the morning was the one element missing from my morning routine. The fact that until recently I had avoided coffee like the plague and preferred tea was irrelevant to my new inspiration. My mother likes coffee. She would like freshly brewed coffee when she came to visit. I reached for the coffee. I would need it for my new coffee maker.

At this point, I became smarter. I didn't pick up the coffee. I would wait until I got my coffee maker. I needed to ensure that I had the right type of coffee. I left the shop all ready to start scoping out coffee makers.

Then I realised that I was having one of my brilliant ideas brought on by fatigue. I marched myself in the opposite direction from the store where I was going to buy a coffee maker. I am proud to report that while I bought my fig compte, I still don't have a coffee maker. I think I'll get one next week-end.

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