Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why cravings are bad for you

As promised - a guest writer.

Last Friday I was on half term. For some bizarre reason I couldn't sleep in so I actually got up before midday! I was really craving chocolate chip cookies, so I checked the cupboard and all there was were dry old shop bought ones. Hmmm... those were not going to fulfil the craving criteria.

So...I got out my favorite recipe (sooo good and gooey) and all the ingredients and started...all was going very well. So far so good. I put it all in the Kenwood (a make of mixer). Being the busy person that I am (HA!), I decided to multi-task. I put the Kenwood on and walked into the study to check my email. I hadn't even opened my mail when I heard the most tremendous crash from the kitchen. I ran out... elegantly careening across the lino floor in my socks ...and looked around the kitchen for the origin of the crash...

Lo and behold the Kenwood is on the floor with the wire stretched...but still mixing away. Stifling the urge to laugh at the thing still mixing away, I go nearer and did not need to stifle the laugh any more. The laugh had totally gone. Mum's mixer had a massive crack in it and part of it had come up away. The extra plastic thing mum had bought to stop the flour going everywhere was shattered in pieces all over the kitchen and was being mixed into my cookie dough. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

I turned it off as soon as I could and then lifted it back onto the counter, stepping on sharp plastic on the way. Ouch. I cleaned the cookie dough off the bottom of my feet and went back over to the Kenwood. I just stood and looked at it. Then I went to the phone and rang Mum, who wasn't there, because I couldn't think what else to do. She informed me that it was the Kenwood her Granny had given her and it is very special to her. Oops, oops, and oops again.

I hung up and looked at the other end of the kitchen. There was cookie dough all over the floor, all over the counter, all over the microwave and a bit on the door. I cleaned the floor first so that I wouldn't have to clean my feet all over again. Cleaning squished cookie dough is very fun. So then I got the bowl out of the mixer and started to separate the plastic from the dough. After a while I had the dough plastic free and the plastic in a sad little pile next to me. Thinking there was nothing I could do, I might as well carry on making the cookies. I put them on trays and into the oven, less than 5 mins later I thought I'd check on them, - burnt. Oh great. The recipe said 10-15 mins!!! Argh! I turned off the cooker and looked at the cookies with shame.

So next time I make cookies I'm inviting my friend over...maybe she can catch the Kenwood before it throws itself off the counter again...

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