Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just a little colour

Tomorrow I shall wear pants and a turtle neck. Tomorrow the temperature should top thirty degrees Celsius. I might wear a scarf.

My uncle has an interesting job. He ends up with a lot of samples which he then gives to the various relatives that might find it useful. In a box, in the middle of my living room, I have the latest. I have three different hair dyes, a highlighting kit and lots and lots of self-tanner.

I have self tanner in a cream form - two different shades - an aerosol can and in towelette form. The towelette form promised not to streak. So I decided to give it a shot - forgetting that I was no longer in school and so could not show up with the bad results of whatever experiment I'd lasted inflicted on myself.

The neat thing about it was that you took the cloth, swabbed it all over yourself and let it dry. It dried quickly and there was no colour. At this point, you're thinking you're pretty cool - a tan with no fuss. And then slowly the colour appears which is neat. Except that it doesn't appear everywhere and in the places it is appearing, it keeps appearing.

I'm a bit scared to wake up tomorrow. I have a feeling I'll be a different colour than when I went to sleep. It will not be a good colour.

I've found before that natural tends to be your best look. I don't look as good with red or light brown hair as I do with dark. Others disagree. I don't tan. I stay pasty white or I turn lobster red - there is hardly any inbetween. I don't think I'm supposed to turn chestnut brown or rather chestnut orange. It doesn't look right.

My arms look ok. I remembered that I don't tan on the underneath of the arms so I just swiped the cloth across the top of them. The legs, on the other hand, are a bit of a mess. I missed some spots and I may or may not have hit points that aren't supposed to tan. I don't tan so I don't know what on normal people changes colour.

Tomorrow I'll have a shower - I will exfoliate off the top layer of skin and apply baby powder. With any luck, I can approximate a normal skin tone.

It's true, tanning is bad for you. It damages the skin. I've learned the hard way.

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