Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.

I didn't send my mother a card.

I won't send her flowers.

I might phone her.

Yes, I am the stereotypical awful daughter.

Except that my mother is not the stereotypical mother, which means that you don't have to play by the rules.

I'm not sending my mother a card because we both agree that cards are overpriced and it's hard to find a decent one.

I'm not sending her flowers because she prefers plants and she prefers to choose them herself. She's not a fan of chocolate.

I probably won't phone her because I phoned her four times today. I'm not sure she wants to hear from me again so soon.

I prefer to do the unexpected. Mother's day is expected and scripted. My mother and I dislike the hallmark holidays. They've become obligatory and as a consequence, assume an importance out of proportion with daily life. If you do something unexpected for your mother or father a few times out of the year, and remember to make them feel special on a daily or even a weekly basis, there's no reason why you should need a special day.

I'm lucky my mother and I agree on this.

My grandmother doesn't. I had to check with my mother whether I had to phone her. Apparently, grandparent's day is later in the year. I've marked it on my calendar. You only miss it once.

I've already chosen the card.

It was overpriced.

It hurt.

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