Saturday, August 11, 2007

Shirt Making V

I held the scissors over the placket and looked at the instructions. I mentally turned the placket in my mind. Something wasn't right. I looked at the previous instruction. Pin right side of placket to wrong side of sleeve. #%^&@%^!!! I was looking at the right side of the placket. Wrong @#$^$^ side.

Every sewer knows that you don't sew well when you're tired, you don't sew well under pressure, and you don't sew well when you're distracted. I had decided that I could.

My machine is playing up. The thread is cotton so it keeps breaking. When you're in the middle of an edge stitch and your thread breaks for the umpteenth time, you decide to move on to the next item. The machine, me and edge stitching the yoke were not seeing eye to eye. The needle kept jumping on the seam allowance as in retrospect I cut it too thin. The machine kept binding - oiling it didn't overly help - so I've decided it needs a tune-up but I need the machine now. I moved onto the placket which I have now have to unpick. However, since this morning and this afternoon, my seam rippers have disappeared so I'm picking seams out with a pin and scissors. On the bright side, my can opener has recently reappeared. I feel like I've been picking seams out all day.

We all know it and we all do it. But say it once more all together:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do the gremlins know what item you are going to need next?

At least they were nice enough to trade one of the missing items for the new item.