Sunday, August 19, 2007

Shirt Making VII

So in my last post I mentioned how I was scared to get the right and the wrong sides mixed up . . . . and then when I went to put the next sleeve in, I discovered to my horror that I had put the placket on the wrong side. Besides the agony of ripping out even more stitches, the fabric had been cut! I'm now going to have to flip everything and position it correctly around the slash. Oh dear.


So I have ripped out all the stitches and removed the placket. The culprit was pressing the seam allowances on the placket to the wrong side so that everything went wrong from there. I have learned that I am not good at doing things as mirror images of themselves so I shall have to watch that in the future.

I have also learned that it is possible to pull a placket off, re-press it and sew it back in place over the slash. The only tricky part is the diagonal slashes at the top as I had taken them to within a thread of the stitching. It's a good job my edge stitching is getting precise thanks to doing all the seams twice!

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